Miracle Spinal Healing and Bone Density Workshop and Clinic

Miracle Spinal Healing

Bone Density Workshop and Clinic

Presented by Mark Thomas with over 25 years of coaching and healing experience.

  • Discover how your body can transform and stay on track with key points for Mental Wellbeing and Spinal Strength.
  • Matai Yoga developed by Mark over the past twenty-five years ensures your internal organs perform at near optimal levels.
  • Your muscular-skeletal structure will get so much stronger with functional solutions and pranayama the breath of Life will be clarified to ensure you enhance performance.
  • Drushti –  (Correct Form)  delivered by your guru improves life performance and biomechanics, key movement patterns and holding, breathing sequences extend life.
  • Pranayama and Matai enteric breathing work as proved imperative for all walks of life and accelerated rehabilitation, healing, and performance.
  • Clients say they feel stronger, leaner and healthier after Mataip Yoga workshops inclusive of Bone Density solutions methodology.

Ensure  2018 is truly awesome with Matai Workshops and Clinics

Next workshop 

Saturday 9th December
Clayton Village Hall 
Reva Syke Road 
Clayton Village 
BD14 6QN

Members £35 non-members £45 p.p


The Matai Miracle Spinal Healing: Decompression and spinal fusion are the two most common lumbar spine surgeries for patients with lower back pain and leg pain.